
High voltage circuit breaker structure

High voltage circuit breaker main structure can be divided into: diversion section, arc part, insulation, operation mechanism portion. The main types of high-voltage

switchgear divided by extinguishing media: oil Circuit breaker ,  air circuit breakers, vacuum circuit breakers, SF6 circuit breaker solid gas production

Circuit breakers, magnetic blow circuit breakers.
Nature of the operation can be classified according to: electric, pneumatic mechanism, hydraulic mechanism, the spring energy agencies, manual mechanism.
(1) oil circuit breaker. The use of transformer oil as the arc medium, divided more oil and less oil types.
(2) sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers. Inert gas sulfur hexafluoride to arc, and use it has the high insulating properties to enhance contact between the

(3) vacuum circuit breakers. Contacts sealed in a high vacuum interrupter, the vacuum interrupter to a high insulation performance.
(4) The air circuit breakers . High-speed flow of compressed air to arc.
(5) the solid gas circuit breakers. The use of solid material in the arc gas decomposed under high temperature gas to arcing.
(6) The magnetic blow circuit breakers. Circuit, the use of its large current flowing in the electromagnetic force generated by the arc rapidly elongated magnetic

suction interrupter cooling off.

