
The role of power regulators and field

Under normal circumstances the grid voltage supply problems there are two cases:
A) AC voltage instability, fluctuated, remain volatile.
B) AC voltage low or high long-term sustainability. This two conditions are not conducive to the normal  Voltage stabilizer of electrical equipment, could easily lead to severe electrical equipment burned.
Power supply problems are generally three reasons:
1) Power generator regulator device problems, causing the output voltage problems. These are generally small water
Power plants.
2) power transformer substation or power station performance problems, especially in serious disrepair aging.
3) the total electricity  electric transformer  within the region far beyond the power load, resulting in continued low supply voltage, in serious cases,
Event of a power grid failure frequency is low so that the large area blackout!
Wide application: industry, agriculture, transportation, telecommunications, military, railway, scientific and cultural fields large electromechanical equipment,
Metal processing equipment, production lines, construction equipment, elevators, medical equipment, embroidery, textile equipment, air conditioning,
Radio, television and home electric cis, lighting and other electrical needs of regulators all occasions.

