
Select Distribution Transformer

A reasonable choice of distribution transformer capacity in the agricultural reform should be a reasonable choice of distribution transformer capacity, and its selection principle is: Considering the nature of the load, the existing load size and scale of development, and should make the investment Sheng energy loss in the choice of school capacity , a variety of methods. Such as optimal load factor method, comprehensive cost analysis, best value method, the main transformer and distribution Electric energy meter  capacity ratio method and other methods to determine the distribution capacity. Distribution transformer installation, easy replacement, distribution transformer model is also constantly updated, select the distribution transformer capacity is not necessary to consider the development of 10 to 20 years. Based on years of experience, for integrated rural electricity distribution transformer, generally able to meet the actual maximum load as a standard, if more than a degree to stay, no more than 10%; dedicated power supply for the seasonal distribution transformers, at an average load about 2 times to select. Two reasonable choice of distribution transformers rural power grid users according to the number of units distributed, load density filial seasonal and  mcb circuit breaker  load and other characteristics, can be single-phase transformers, mother and transformers, parallel operation of transformers and other power supply. For substations or power load larger industrial and mining enterprises, the general mother and transformer power supply, one of the (female transformer) at maximum load configuration, the other (sub transformer) at low load state selection, you can greatly improve distribution transformer utilization, reduce distribution circuit breakers  load loss. For some rural distribution transformers of the year except for a small peak electricity load, the prolonged period of low load running actual situation, the conditional user, but also can become mother or transformer parallel operation of power supply. Change in load is large, according to the principle of minimum energy loss, input transformers of different capacities. 3 rational choice model S9 Series 10kV transformer power transformer is China's current production of low-loss products, copper wire windings, the body and the insulation with the new design and technology, loss performance parameters have reached the international advanced level in the early 1980s. As can be seen from Table 1, the loss
Value compared with the 73 series, no-load loss can be reduced 52%, load loss can be reduced by 30%, it is the product of choice in agricultural reform. The former Ministry of Water Resources since 1983, repeatedly issued a document calling all distribution transformers with high energy consumption, materials department may purchase the electricity sector may not install, use the department shall not be used. Any new developments and capacity increase user, priority must promote the use of low-power distribution transformers

