
Electronic single-phase prepaid meter usage

1, the user holds the card to purchase the electricity sector in the region dedicated microcomputer purchase, the sale of the motor will write encrypted information and purchase of electricity power purchase cards.
2, the purchase of electricity, the user will purchase cards (purchase card color printing side  Electric transformer direction of the arrow) to insert your own energy meter IC card slot seconds (inserted in the end), purchased power readout after pulling the purchase card (LED display purchased electricity), while electricity  Air circuit breaker  meter written in the user purchase card. Success Show "□", and then displays the remaining power, otherwise the meter display error display "E". When the user re-purchase, the write-back data management  electri cenergy meter  read, for power management.
3, for the sale of electricity, power management departments to provide clear card, cut the card electric card and other special features. This class is usually of limited use cards.
4, is strictly prohibited to use the card into the wet table.

