
Household single-phase watt-hour meter connection

A single-phase watt-hour meter turning the dial pointer has an arrow, steering and arrows should be consistent.
Second single-phase meter wiring: 1234 from left to right, then the power supply 1 is an external incoming FireWire, 2 to the home of the FireWire, 3 outside the incoming neutral wire, 4 to the home of the zero
.1.3 Fire line is exotic and zero  Voltage stabilizer , 2.4 is the fire and into the homes and the zero line in order to prevent a wrong, you can first access 1 and 3, followed by a pilot test pencil on light, and then followed by 2 and 4 so you do not pick the wrong.
Above to check, if the wrong corrections, if turning right, wiring is also true that a small number of tables indeed  electric transformer , the solution is twofold: a returned meter. Two will be connected to a terminal of the meter connected to the two place, should be connected to two lines connected to a change, you can normally use, but the dial

Steering reverse.

