
Improve the transmission capacity of the line unit corridor, reducing the cost of electric power construction

In order to improve the land utilization, improve the transmission capacity of the line unit corridor, reducing the cost of electric power construction, the same tower transmission mode of the power system in our country has been widely used to get a huge economic benefits. Compared with the ordinary lines, Dong Thap Line on  electric transformer  forward higher requirements. Zero sequence mutual inductance and cross-line failures are affecting the same tower line relay correct action or not, the two major factors. This paper focus on these two aspects, the level of  air circuit breaker  the fault lines on the same tower in which the back-end of the power grid support the strength, the strength of the electromagnetic contact with the tower and line their own different operation modes such circumstances  electric meter lure modes of failure features research, from the level of protection for phase selection from the protective action zone, zero sequence current, ground impedance, zero sequence directional element longitudinal behavior of such action systematic analysis and assessment.

