
Current manufacturing artificial current zero crossing will be very difficult

An important difference is that the former use of artificial zero-crossing method, the vacuum on the contacts current zero extinguish the arc, which is borrowed from the natural  Electric energy meter current arc. Although there has been applied to the VCB AC power system technology has matured, but it does not solve the current high rate of rise of the power system short-circuit current breaking issues. Since ACVCB is rated opening distance (a few millimeters to tens of millimeters) under breaking, usually takes a  electric meter  to tens of milliseconds, when the DC short circuit current rise rate 20A/μs when the short-circuit current  lectri cenergy meter will reach 100kA or more. Accordingly, to such a high current manufacturing artificial current zero will be very difficult, if achieved, will also lose the breaking limit of significance. A small opening in breaking away from the direct short-circuit current high rate of rise can be a good solution to the problem of excessive current. But a small opening under vacuum from the media recovery, but it is restricting the application of the method of the key issues. - At present, domestic and foreign media for the recovery characteristics of vacuum almost always based on a few millimeters to tens of millimeters at rated basis.

