
Microcircuits more susceptible East Koshigaya electromagnetic pulse damage

As microcircuits more susceptible East Koshigaya electromagnetic pulse damage, the military authorities are implementing a unified cI protection standards. Officials from the Department of Defense has been recognized in the early 1960s to the factory MP effect - a potentially devastating nuclear explosions product. In the 1980s, the Defense Department to develop a command, control, communication and intelligent  power transformers  EMP protection guidelines. Recently, the Department of Defense and the military departments to further improve instruction more rigorous, more uniform standards to increase the deterrent against EMP. One located in Kete Lan Air Force Base (NM) of the * resuie EMP M device emulator is the largest and most  electri cenergy meter . Shown preparing Bu Wei bomber * MP shielding tests. The entire structure from the ground about 12 storeys high, all from the head and fiberglass. Both aircraft were tested subject to 5 million volts occur alum stretched pulse generator simulation field effect. The pulse generator to the test bench energy is applied around the antenna. Detonated a nuclear device, will be released in two areas powerful electromagnetic energy. In the source region (closest to the explosion point) record field strength up to 100by plus.

