
Generator Circuit Breaker If you choose incorrectly, the circuit breaker will cause serious harm

Of the problem with the continuous development of science and technology and people's safety awareness generation equipment continues to improve, the generator breaker dedicated selection and use more and more cause for concern and attention, especially for large and very large  Electric energy meter  machinery exports particular attention to the choice of the circuit breaker . If you choose incorrectly generator circuit breakers , circuit breaker itself even be connected to the generator generators and other electrical equipment circuit causing serious harm and  mcb circuit breaker  losses, such as the explosion occurred breakers , generators burned, excitation transformer and plant with variable burned and other serious accidents , and will magnify the accident . For small hydro , the past mostly use an ordinary type of oil circuit breaker , vacuum circuit breakers , SF6  Voltage stabilizer . , especially in recent years , the choice of more and more common vacuum circuit breaker , such a choice is not comply with GB GB/T14 82 4-93 " generator breaker general technical conditions" and industry standards DL42 7-91 " indoor type GCB ordering technology " requirement, does not conform to international common standards However, the parties have failed to pay sufficient attention to this cause .

