
When the primary system fails transient current will cause a non-periodic component of conventional electromagnetic current transformer saturated

Force when the primary system fails transient current will cause a non-periodic component of conventional electromagnetic current transformer (TA) saturated, so the secondary  Voltage stabilizer  distortion, thus affecting the rapid and accurate discrimination of the fault, not better meet the relay protection of rapidity, sensitivity, selectivity and reliability  electric meter . And based on Faraday magneto-optical effect optical current transformer (OCT) measurement range, simple and reliable  power transformers , no magnetic saturation, no secondary open circuit dangerous, anti-electromagnetic interference capability, small size, light weight, easy installation and transportation, with easy microcomputer protection interface to solve the long-standing protection of TA saturation and accuracy is not high transient problem. China currently has some OCT linked network run, but different methods to achieve the manufacturers to make new OCT and protection devices interface between standards mesh becoming prominent.

