
No electromagnetic wave propagation medium, with the frequency of electromagnetic waves in different media at different speeds

Transverse electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic field, the electric field and perpendicular to the traveling direction of the three. Amplitude in the vertical direction along the propagation direction for the alternating cycle, the intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, the wave energy to drive itself, the energy power anywhere proportional to the square of the amplitude. Is equal to the speed of light c (3 × 10 ^ 8m / s). In the space propagation of electric meter waves, the nearest electric (magnetic field) strength in the same direction, the magnitude of the maximum distance between two points, that is, the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave λ, the number of changes per second is the electromagnetic frequency f. The relationship between the formula by c = λf. No electromagnetic wave propagation medium, with the frequency of electromagnetic waves in different media at different speeds. Different frequencies of Circuit breaker waves, propagate in the same medium, the higher the frequency the greater the refractive index, the smaller the speed. And the electromagnetic wave only in a homogeneous medium to the same along a straight line, if the same kind of medium is uneven, the electromagnetic wave in which the refractive index is not the same, in such a medium is transmitted along the curve. Air circuit breaker media occurs when the refraction, reflection, diffraction, scattering, and absorption, etc. Propagation of electromagnetic waves propagate along the surface of the ground wave propagation in the air as well as from the air waves and sky. The longer the wavelength the less the attenuation, the longer the wavelength of electromagnetic waves are also more likely to continue to spread around obstacles. Mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves can happen refraction, reflection, diffraction, interference, because all the waves have volatility. Diffraction, refraction, reflection, interference belong volatility.

