
Transformation and cast resin dry type epoxy resin dry type transformer wrapping

Dry-type transformers are insulated with NOMEX paper is impregnated with resin dry type transformer and cast resin insulation dry-type epoxy transformation and wrap dry change. The former is a non-locked-in type, the latter two are locked-in type. For temperature  Voltage stabilizer , non-encapsulation type is mainly by convection and radiation to heat directly into the atmosphere, and the encapsulation type must first heat conduction through the way, the heat transmitted through the resin  circuit breakers  the winding, winding temperature difference between the surface of the resin can not be ignored Therefore, the second method is particularly suitable for cast resin dry type transformer temperature rise. That the winding Heat is  Electric energy meter  the surface by heat conduction, mainly by convection and radiation and scattered into the air, therefore, temperature rise should include two parts, heat conduction and convection.

