
Protective actions for the correctness and accuracy of energy measurement increasingly demanding

With the continuous development of EHV power system and electricity market mechanisms to expand the introduction of protective actions for the correctness and accuracy of energy measurement increasingly high demand, and thus the transformer accurate performance also made more Voltage stabilizer . Meanwhile, the scientific and technological development and the actual project needs, there are many new transformer specifications and products. To accommodate this situation, China Electric Power Planning and Design Association organize the preparation of the "current transformers and voltage Electric transformer and Calculation Guide." Performance on the transformer selection and parameter calculations made ​​provisions to regulate power engineering design work. This article will focus on the application of protective current transformer problem as a rough introduction. Protective current transformer air circuit breaker selection principle characteristics and type of protection not only in the normal operation of the current transformer requires a certain accuracy, and more importantly, in the case of short-circuit fault in a circuit which can power transformer spread changes to the secondary circuit, and the error does not exceed the specified value, in order to ensure correct operation of protective devices.

