
Management and technical reasons, there parallel operation of transformer tap different gear

To meet the need for increased electricity consumption, increasing distribution transformer (hereinafter referred to as the transformer) for parallel operation, economical, convenient and flexible, is the user's choice. However, due to administrative and technical reasons, there paralleled transformer tap different gear, causing the transformer ratio is not equal to the economic impact of transformer operation and safety, resulting in accidents, should be noted. Ectopic reasons tap  electri cenergy meter  parallel operation three necessary conditions are variable ratio equal, the same  power transformers , impedance voltage percentile equal, in which connection group in the transformer factory has been fixed, and tap gear the change will result in changes in variable ratio, once the parallel operation of  Voltage stabilizer tap switch gear are different, it will cause a transformation ratio is not equal. Old transformer tap position inconsistent transformer tap general points high, medium and low-grade, the new transformer factory is generally fixed at mid-range, and has been running since adjusting the voltage transformers and other reasons, it is not necessarily tap gear in the mid-range, and in the new transformer installation and test, without the transformer tap position for verification, they will be put into operation.

