
Breaker with the new substation secondary system connected

Vacuum circuit breakers are widely used in electric railway traction substation, opening and closing with the partition. To strengthen professional training facilities, colleges configured the model circuit breakers, used to simulate the traction substation feeder circuit breaker and  Voltage stabilizer  the circuit breaker operation and control. 2010 These circuit breakers with the new substation secondary system  air circuit breaker  traction substation practical teaching. This model breaker body is set on a "remote / local" control mode switch. During a maintenance test, when this switch in the "local" bit operation, the circuit breaker tripping. After  circuit breakers , the original of this switch is not wired. Recovery wiring then "local" bit operation, the control panel found that the position of the circuit breaker on the corresponding LED is off, light plate light "control loop break," Computer Protection issued a "soft alarm." This seriously affects the normal surveillance equipment, easily cause misjudgment. At this point, we estimate that the construction is likely to eliminate this anomaly, intentionally missed the switch.

