
Voltage stability regulator used

Voltage stabilizer regulator used in the power system is disturbed, by virtue of the inherent characteristics of the system and control equipment, which maintains all

the bus voltage within acceptable range capability.
Because the voltage stability of the power system to the good work; Therefore, the regulator's use of the power system indispensable.
Regulator means in one electronic engineering is designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage device. A regulator may be a simple "feed-forward" design or may

include negative feedback control loop. Regulators may also use the electromechanical mechanism or electronic modules. Depending on the design, the regulator can be

divided into DC and AC voltage. The power supply regulator is often used in the system, the rectifier, electronic filters work together to provide a stable voltage

output, such as microprocessors and other components are required for the operating voltage. The alternator and even a large power plant generators, the regulator

controls the output voltage stability. In a distributed power transformers system, the regulator may be mounted on a sub-station or in a direction extending along the wire,

regardless of the power level to ensure that users can obtain a stable voltage.
As part of the electrical coil assembly contained in the energized initially hinder current eddy currents will weaken to the generation of both the instantaneous

voltage electrical start, leading to slow to start, will strengthen the instantaneous voltage generated after disconnection, may produce sparks damage circuits. At

this point we need a regulator to protect the normal operation of the circuit.
The regulator voltage regulator circuit, control circuit, and the servo motor, etc., when the input voltage or the load changes, the control circuit for sampling,

comparing, amplified, and then drives the servo motor rotation, so that a change of position regulator brush, by automatically adjusting the coil turns ratio, so as to

maintain the output voltage stability. Larger capacity regulator, also uses voltage compensation principle.
With the rapid social progress, increasing electrical equipment. But the power transmission and distribution facilities, aging and development lags behind, as well as

poor design and other causes of insufficient power supply voltage is too low end users, while users are often high voltage thread on voltage electrical equipment

especially for demanding high-tech and sophisticated equipment, such as a time bomb alone. Electricity system as a public grid, the above kinds of loads connected to

the tens of thousands, some of the larger inductive, capacitive, switching power supply, the load is not only to get electricity from the grid, but also turn on the

power grid itself causes impact of deteriorating grid or local grid power quality, resulting in the mains voltage waveform distortion or frequency drift. Another

unexpected natural and man-made disasters, such as earthquakes, lightning, power transmission system is open or shorted, will endanger the normal supply of

electricity, thus affecting the normal work load.
Unstable voltage will cause fatal injury or equipment malfunction, affecting production, resulting in delivery delays, inconsistent quality, and many other losses.

While accelerating the aging of equipment, affecting life and even burned parts, so that the owners faced with distress or in need of repair will shortly update the

device, a waste of resources; seriously, security incidents, causing incalculable damage. ,

