
Single-phase prepaid meter centralized control system

Meter, has been the primary means of power management, in general, meter management from manual meter reading, to the IC card, automated management of the transition. In the era of the traditional manual meter reading, the power sector for the ordinary user to install the meter measured at a fixed period of time by the administrator  air circuit breaker and billing. This way of working requires management personnel, workload; advantage of measuring instruments, low cost, easy to use payment methods accepted by the user, the basic user does not exist the problem of energy is cut off. With public affairs awareness of customer service and consumer Electric energy meter for their own time and convenience requirements increase, the application of smart meters put on the management agenda. Single-phase electronic prepayment meter card purchase must be entered by the user fees in the table, the meter can be powered, a table and a card, the card and do not generic, the card automatically after use electricity wind up power, must be  circuit breakers  with the card electrical and enter the table to continue electricity. Thereby effectively solve the difficult problem of tariff collection. Meanwhile, the user's purchase of electricity implementation of computer information management, to facilitate inquiries, statistics, charges and print bills.

