
Distribution Transformers - technology and process characteristics

1 process ensures:
With high voltage coil wound around the process is the use of high speed winding machine wound, the winding machine with mechanical tension on the wire and the tension is constant. Servo system is to achieve automatic control stepless regulation cable, cable tightly compact, automatic counting accuracy; Because high voltage coil winding process to impose the wire taut and close, so the high voltage coil wire is relying on real, and with the end insulation close connection between rigid uncompressed margin, empathy, low voltage coil as well. Therefore, after the phase winding around the same axial height to ensure that the design dimensions (thus ensuring the accuracy of the impedance of the voltage).
2 cores stacked:
Pneumatic flip stand at the core of the stacked assembly stage, the use of special tooling  air circuit breaker , the use of technology is not stacked on the stack yard yoke iron core clip code after clamping down clamps, channel steel and iron column clamps on temporary clamping fixtures with C-type column in the spatial auxiliary clamp iron; stood brushing mobile store fixative dryness remove temporary fixture, into the body of the assembly process. Inter-chip combination of solid iron, low loss and low noise.
3. The body assembly:
Since the core does not put an iron yoke, winding type phase units, iron yoke pad-mold injection molding epoxy pad fast, high-voltage lead and sub lead wire insulation PVC pipe with Circuit breaker  wear matching sets and other special combinations, in scrolling platform line on the body insulation and lead assembly, assembly speed, quality is good and clean.
4 corrugated tank
Is the use of corrugated corrugated tank production line of the "corrugated sheet folding machine", of cold-rolled steel sheet will automatically folded coil design drawings of sheet type, including corrugated sheet corrugated high pitch, corrugated sheet, straight edge length, and overall length and width. Folding good quality and speed;  power transformers sheet folded into welding, folding side seam to complete and strengthen the iron welding, this welding using TIG welding arc stability, weld penetration big, good shape no defects. There corrugated tank bottom, box along the middle group is corrugated sheet welded rectangular mailbox. Corrugated sheet is folded sheet processing, except when transformer operates with good heat dissipation performance, the corrugated sheet having an expansion wave wings also can relieve the internal pressure increase function.

