
Definition of smart meters

Smart grid smart meters are intelligent terminal, which is not the traditional sense of the power meter, smart meter addition to the traditional basic electricity

meter measurement functions, in order to adapt to the new smart grid and energy use also has the power of information storage, bis

Rates to a variety of measurement functions, the client control functions, a variety of data transfer mode bi-directional data communication function, anti-theft

feature, and other intelligent features, electric meter represent the future of energy-efficient smart grid intelligent end-user terminal development orientation. With


Energy grid growing countries in the world demand for intelligent user terminal is also increasing, according to statistics, in the next five years, with the smart

grid construction in the world, smart meters installed worldwide number will reach 200 million . Similarly, in China, with the

Country strong and smart grid construction progress, as a client of the smart meter demand will greatly increase, a conservative expected, the market will have a

demand of about 170 million. U.S. government to upgrade the national grid appropriation, there is not a part devoted to

To three years resulting in 13% of U.S. households (18 million households) can be installed Electric energy meter . In Europe, Italy and Sweden have completed the deployment of

advanced metering infrastructure that will replace all the ordinary meter smart meters. France, Spain, Germany and the UK are not expected to

To 10 years to complete smart meters will also complete a comprehensive promotion and application.

