
Household meter works

Common meter: We are now household meter Power Meter, which records the electrical consumption of active energy, reactive energy is not recorded, for ordinary light bulbs, electric and other Voltage stabilizer  wire heating element is only active energy consumption , and some have a sense of inductive or tolerance of the load (Motors, televisions, air conditioners, fluorescent lamps, etc.), in addition to active energy  power transformers , there are reactive energy consumption. That is, as the load on the felt is the active power and reactive power of the vector sum, difference of 90 degrees between them, as in the "degree" function of course be greater than

Meter record of active degrees.
But no sense of power consumed by the load is 100% recorded in the meter on, is not through any electrical load in parallel to reduce the active power consumption.
Load on the felt, meter records only active energy consumption, many users do not worry about recording power meter.
In order to reduce the external electrical active energy can only be the gimmick, unless more than usual attention to conserve electricity. 2 IC card meter is inside the base table, host microcontroller chip, digital display, relay switch, ESAM module and IC card interface.

