
In order to evaluate the use of high-temperature logging instrument reservoir, the demand for high-temperature circuit has been very urgent

Equipped with the first commercial application of the micro-circuit logging prototype able to 527 "F temperature. Conventional logging tools because of their electronic circuit conditions at  power transformers above 356OF can not work reliably, so the temperature of up to 52" F when the use of these instruments will be greatly limited. In order to evaluate the use of high-temperature logging instrument reservoir, the demand for high-temperature circuit has been very urgent. Reliable air circuit breaker  reservoir lithology and fluid properties, in order to determine the geothermal potential production of oil and gas reservoirs in the final. Logging can also simulate reservoir, design completion programs and production  electri cenergy meter  of groundwater temperature and chemical contamination, such as providing the necessary information. This new electronic apparatus using a thick film circuit, this circuit is to special printing film resistors, conductors and dielectric inks printed on the alumina layer and made of. After one thousand ink drying, the semiconductor increases, the circuit will be sealed.

