Contactor coil AC passed, it will produce a corresponding inductance, inductive influence of the size of the size of the current in the coil, AC solenoid coil inductance, the core is Air circuit breaker not closed when the inductance is small, a large current through , which is caused by the coil in the suction power of the largest timely reason. When the AC contactor pull into the retention time, due to long-term work in the state coupled with the coil power consumption, temperature rise. AC contactor usually work long hours can produce 50 ℃ ~ 60 ℃ degree heat, the summer plus 30 ℃ ~ 40 ℃ ambient temperature of the coil temperature rise faster. Coil long period of high temperature operation, will accelerate the aging and even burned, AC contactor life will be shortened.
According to AC contactor coil power consumption characteristics of fast rise, by reducing the power consumption and temperature to save energy. According to the internal structure, saving coil is divided into: double winding type, current limiting resistor, double winding self-conversion conversion type and location. Works will use energy-saving coil is usually on its pulsating DC coil retention program run: pull winding generally larger diameter, fewer turns, and thus lower impedance, resulting pull current large; retention winding general smaller diameter, number of turns, the Inverter Power Supply impedance of large, small and therefore holding current. Corresponding increase rectifiers and varistors and film capacitors, the AC contactor is energized to work in DC state, large starting current to ensure a reliable pull-electromagnetic systems, smaller holding current to reduce the retention power, thereby reducing the electrical losses and electromagnetic coil temperature of the system.